We are always letting go

The path of transformation is a process of letting go. Over and over again. Letting go of old stories, old ways of being and outdated ways of thinking.


Sometimes we need to let go of who we have become, to remember who we always were.


This means letting go of what no longer serves you so that something new can be born. Sometimes this something new is not new at all - but a deep remembering of who you truly are.


We buy into the illusion that unless we force, push or make things happen we're somehow going backwards. But I've come to realise that this drive to force or make things happen through sheer will, actually keeps us stuck.


If we're willing to pause long enough to ask ourselves what it is we really want to create and more importantly, why it matters; if we're able to let go of our grip and instead relax a little, moving into a place of trust - we're more able to get into the flow of life and live & work with more ease, more flow. And then, when the time is right, we take intentional action. Only then can we create something truly remarkable.


But first, we must learn to pause. To contemplate. To sit in stillness. To reflect.


Is our work honest? Is it true? Or is it just more of the same? Does our work contribute to the noise or is it saying something worthwhile? Ask yourself, Where am I hiding? This is something I do frequently with my work. Where am I hiding? Where am I holding back? Where am I staying small? Where am I staying safe? Is fear running the program or is my artfulness in charge?


Challenging ourselves by asking these deeper questions leads us away from fear and toward hope.


As Elizabeth Gilbert so artfully says, “I’ve never seen any transformation that didn’t begin with the person in question getting tired of their own bullshit.”


Let’s continue to let go of our bullshit, so we can create work that really matters.

To read more of my long-form writing, head to my Substack page.



A guide to mindful walks